
Native American Biographies Round-Up

Happy Thanksgiving!! I thought this year I would honor the Native Americans by doing a round-up of ones to check out! Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating!! I thank God for all of you who take time to read Crafty Moms Share!!

The other day I did a round-up of Native American stories and picture books. Today I thought I would share some biographies I found on Native Americans. For the most part I only took one biography for each person but many have more than one out there.

Books about Multiple Native Americans

  • Extraordinary American Indians by Susan Avery discusses the lives and accomplishments of Native Americans from the eighteenth century to present
  • Native American Heroes: Osceola, Tecumseh & Cochise by Ann McGovern
  • Famous Native North Americans by Bobbie Kalman profiles Native Americans who had a large influence on their tribes as well as the United States and Canada.
  • Native American Chiefs and Warriors by Stuart A. Kallen
  • Native American Scientists: Fred Begay, Wilfred F. Denetclaw Jr., Frank C. Dukepoo, Clifton Poodry, Jerrel Yakel by Jetty St. John
  • Native American Women by  Suzanne Clores

Books Donated by Lee & Low Books with 

Reviews for Blog Hop

Links take you to book at Lee & Low Books and there is a link to each review!

Biographies of Non-Chief/Warrior Native Americans

  • Charles Eastman -- Santee Dakota, Anglo-American, French ancestry, Physician, Writer, Lecturer and Reformer
  • Dennis Banks -- Anishinaabe Leader, Teacher, Lecturer, Activist, Author
  • Native American Women (somehow got in here as well)
  • Dr. Carlos Montezuma -- Yavapai-Apache Activist
  • Helen Cordero -- Cochiti Pueblo Potter
  • Susan LaFlesche Picotte -- Omaha Doctor and Reformer
  • Sacagawea -- Lemhi Shoshone Guide and Interpreter
  • Maria Tallchief -- Osage Nation and Scottish-Irish Descent First Native American Prima Ballerina
  • Pocahontas (see the post I did on Pocahontas)
  • Squanto (follow link to see one post on Squanto and another book reviewed here)
  • Sequoyah -- Cherokee Silversmith who independently created a writing system for the Cherokee language
  • Zitkala-S̈a -- Sioux Writer, Editor, Musician, Teacher and Political Activist
  • Susette La Flesche -- Omaha Writer, Lecturer, Interpreter and Artist
  • Sarah Winnemucca -- Paiute activist and educator

Biographies of Chiefs and Warriors

  • Chief John Ross -- Cherokee Chief 1828-1866
  • Chief Joseph -- Nez Perce Chief 1871-1902
  • Chief Red Cloud -- Ogala Lakota Chief 1868 - 1909
  • Crazy Horse -- Ogala Lakota War Leader
  • Pontiac -- Ottawa Tribe War Leader
  • Geronimo -- Bedonkohe Apache War Leader
  • Chief Tecumseh -- Shawnee Leader, most known for participation in War of 1812
  • Osceola -- Seminole War Leader
  • Sitting Bull -- Hunkpapa Lakota Holy Man and Tribal Chief
  • King Philip -- Sachem of the Wampanoag
  • Wilma Mankiller -- First Female Chief of the Cherokee Nation 1985 - 1995
  • Black Elk -- Medicine and Holy Man of Ogala Lakota
You can find more Native American stories and posts at the following places:
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Multicultural Kid Blogs is proud to host the first annual Native American Heritage Month Blog Hop & Giveaway! Link up your posts on Native American cultures below, and be sure to enter to win one of our great prize packages! For more great posts about Native cultures, be sure to follow our Native/Indigenous Cultures board on Pinterest!


November 3:
November 6:
November 7:
November 10:
November 13:

Our Giveaway

Newly Added! Bonus Prize 

 Tribal Map

1st Prize Package US shipping only
Children of the TipiChildren of the Tipi: Life in the Buffalo Days, edited by Michael O. Fitzgerald
2nd Prize Package
Buffalo SongBuffalo Song by Joseph Bruchac
Jim Thorpe's Bright PathJim Thorpe's Bright Path, by Joseph Bruchac
3rd Prize
Himdag postcard set 
Postcard set from Paper Papel Papier: pack of 12 craft postcards decorated with the word himdag (value $18). Himdag is from the O’odham ñiok language of the Tohono O’odham Nation in Arizona and northwest Mexico. To embrace Himdag is to walk in balance, alone, with others, with nature, and with the Creator.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Native American Cultures Linkup

Now it's your turn to share!
Link up your posts about Native American cultures!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.