
Sharing Saturday 16-30

Reminder: This link party is for child-oriented crafts and activities and parenting/teaching posts!! 
It is time for Sharing Saturday!! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts,crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts. On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all of your cultural posts come share them at the monthly Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

Thank you to everyone who shared with us last week! I always love seeing what everyone has been up to and your creative ideas!! Our features are just a sampling of them so if you haven't checked them all out, you should! It was a small party so we have one group of features this week. Be sure to check them out and the ones I didn't pick!!


1) From Strength in Words: DIY Imitation Drum Activities

2) From Lipgloss and Crayons: I'm an Old Mom and I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

3) From Highhill Education: Desert Activity for Kids - Make a Sand Storm

4) From Bits of Positivity: What Are the Olympic and Paralympic Values?

5) From  Intoxicated on Life: The Day God Invited Abraham to Do Astronomy 

6) From The Real Thing with the Coake Family: Olympics for Kids

7) From Every Star Is Different: Montessori-Inspired Practical Life Camping Activities

8) From Growing Up Gabel: Seashell Memory Game

Thank you to everyone who shared last week!! If you were featured here feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog!


Button Code:

 From Your Hostess

This week we shared some books to inspire the imagination as part of our Summer Reading List, for Crafty Weekends we shared a book for every knitter's reference shelf, we shared our Summertime Fun with ocean life, we shared our exploration of Libya for Global Learning with Kids and for Relaxing Friday a great coloring book that also includes prints from the Royal Horticultural Society's library

Now for This Party 

A Few Simple Guidelines: 

1)  Link any kid-friendly, child-centered post. Please no etsy shops or giveaways, etc.  Remember to link to your actual post and not to your blog home page. If you have a general adult-made craft you should share it at Crafty Weekends!!

2) Post the Sharing Saturday button on your sidebar or somewhere on your blog to help spread the word.

SharingSaturdayoption2-150 photo SharingSaturdayoption2-150_zpsba88f805.jpg
Button Code:
3) I would love it if you would follow me on FacebookGoogle+, and Pinterest 

4) Please visit at least 3 other posts linked up. Pin, share or comment please!

5) If you do not have a blog, but want to share an idea you can leave it in the comments or e-mail it to me with a picture (if possible).

 Disclaimer: By sharing here, you are giving Crafty Moms Share permission to use your photos for features and to pin your craft at Pinterest.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.