
Bee Aware -- 100 Plants to Feed the Bees and more -- a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: I was sent this book to review free of charge from Storey Publishing. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. I am including links to each item for your convenience but do not receive anything if you purchase them.

Spring has sprung even though it doesn't really feel like it here in Massachusetts. We still have snow on the ground. I have begun to think about my garden. Now I am aware of the issues with bees. Are you? I don't mean the fact that they sting or that Hazel is afraid of them because they sting. I mean that there is a drop in bee population. Why should we care about the bees after all they sting? Well if we don't start caring we will not have fresh fruits and vegetables or flowers for that matter. Bees are pollinators and they are necessary for growth of plants. What can a gardener do to help the bees? Well there are a few things. One is to avoid using pesticides. Many towns now spray for mosquitoes, but the pesticides they spray do not only kill mosquitoes but also the other insects including bees and butterflies, our main pollinators. The pesticides you may use in your own yard will do the same thing. Another thing to do is plant the flowers that attract bees and other pollinators. Tonight's book is too help know which flowers these are. The book is 100 Plants to Feed the Bees by the Xerces Society

With a lovely introduction and then some specifics about the pollinators and the garden requirements. Then the chapters begin. The chapters are Native Wildflowers, Native Trees and Shrubs, Introduced Trees and Shrubs, Introduced Herbs and Ornaments and Native and Nonnative Bee Pasture Plants. Each plant has a map for it growing region (of North America), photos of the flowers, suggested species or varieties and more. There are also icons to show which pollinators are attracted by the flower. The pollinators are honey bee (with white stripes), native bee (no stripes), hummingbird, butterfly, and moth. The page below has all five on it.

This book is perfect for anyone who is ready to act on the environment issues in the United States and Canada. We all need to become more aware of how our lifestyles are affecting the world. The Xerces Society has a campaign to help bring back the pollinators, and this book is perfect as a first step.

Now I need to decide which new flowers to introduce to our yard. Want to do more for bees? Check out the Bee Cause. A group educating kids and adults to know more about bees and their importance in our world. They are doing this in hope of creating an interest in these kids to get jobs in STEM careers to help save the bees. Here are some great facts about bees as well to share with kids. 
Yesterday we happened to go to Lakeshore Learning to make their free craft which happened to be this beehive from a paper cup. They were running out of some of the supplies since we went at the end of the day and one of the Wikki sticks in transport home. Their photo of the craft is cuter than ours. Oh, well. We had fun making it. I also made up a bee from a Paper Source Valentine kit.
It is an easy one to make. The wings are paper hearts. The bee body comes pre-printed and cut. It literally took a couple of minutes. I like how it came out. The sayings on the gold hearts include Bee Kind and Bee Mine as well. 

So I hope you will join me in trying to save the bees (and thus our world).  Check out this great book and help educate ourselves and our children about the importance of bees. To help with teaching kids and ourselves check out this education page.

Thank you to everyone who shared with us at our last party!! I loved seeing what everyone has been creating lately!! Below are some features from the party, but this is just a small sample of great ideas shared! This week we have three groups of features: Easter Crafts, Flower Crafts, and Other Great Crafts.

Also remember for your child-oriented crafts, activities, lessons, etc. Sharing Saturday is going on!! For any cultural related posts (diversity and/or multicultural as well) be sure to share at the month long Creative Kids Creative Blog Hop.

Easter Crafts

1) From Pink Peppermint Design: How to Make a Cute Easter Nest from a Paper Bag
  2) From Homestead 128: Chicken Wire Cloche DIY

3) From Growing Up Gabel: Mini Easter Baskets K Cup Craft
  4) From Flamingo Toes: DIY Embroidered Bunny Pendant

Flower Crafts

1) From Chatfield Court: Easy Spring Front Door Basket

2) From Sparkle: Springtime Painted Wooden Tulips

3) From Clean & Scentsible: There are Always Flowers {Free Spring Printable}

4) From My Life from Home: Painting Mason Jars with Chalk Paint

Other Fun Crafts

1) From Tried & True: Faux Chalkboard Dog Leash Holder

2) From Duct Tape and Denim: DIY Stamped & Watercolor Fruit of the Spirit Garland

3) From Bombshell Bling: Disney Ticket Stub Frame
4) From Do It Your Freaking Self: Beginner Crochet Beach Bag

Thank you to everyone who shared the last week!! I hope you will share again!! If you are featured here, please feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog. I would love the help spreading the word about Crafty Weekends!!

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 Please share family friendly crafts here. Just crafts and/or patterns--no recipes, lessons, etc. You can share craft product reviews as well. By linking up here you are giving me permission to share your links and to pin your links. Please follow my Crafty Weekends Feature Pinterest Board to see all the features from these fun link parties!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.