
DIY Doll Headbands -- Crafty Weekends Tutorial and Link Party

Hazel fell in love with American Girl's Girl of the Year 2010, Lanie Holland. She of course is retired since she was only available in 2010. However we found her on ebay. I had gotten Hazel Lanie's meet outfit, computer and pet rabbit to use with one of her other dolls, but we couldn't get the doll's hair to curl like Lanie's, so she used some money her grandmother had given her to get her own. The Lanie doll we found on ebay and won was naked, so Hazel could not wait to get her dressed. The dress I had bought did not come with her headband or shoes. I decided to make Lanie a headband since the headbands on ebay were running around $15 plus shipping.

Lanie (Source)
As you can see her original headband was two pieces of blue with a yellow dragonfly. We went to Michael's and Joann Fabrics and I let Hazel pick out some ribbons as well as some embellishments. Then I got to work. I found two tutorials on Pixie Faire. The first one is a Headband with a Twist. Following the tutorial I made these.

Since the tutorial used fabric I decided to use my tulle leftover from a previous project. I decided to add a bow/pom pom to the top of it. I love how it came out. The second tutorial is for the Knotted Headband. I made these with this tutorial.

The top one uses a polyester cord that I had leftover from another project. The bottom one I braided three colors of narrow ribbons and then did the knot. 

Using what I learned from the tutorials I experimented with other ribbons and elastics. I decided to make one with a dual ribbon but to twist the ribbons. Here are some pictures of the steps. 

Cut two pieces of ribbon about 10 inches long. Sew the ends of the pieces together on one side. Take a hair elastic and tie a knot in it. Slide it on one of the ribbons. Flip the sewed seam to be inside with the elastic in it. Then sew close to the elastic to hold it in place. If you want to twist the ribbons do so now. Slide the other part of the elastic onto one of the ribbon ends and then sew the two ends together to make your loop. Flip the ends inward and position the elastic. Sew close to the elastic to secure its position. If you want to add an embellishment, do it now otherwise you are done. I found sewing the embellishments to hold better than ironing them onto the ribbons. 

I made Lanie one in a similar way. However I used a piece of elastic instead of a hair elastic. I cut it to three inches, but it was really too big. I would use 2.5 inches if I did it again. I had bought blue tie dyed elastic for this one. I decided to use a blue and a green ribbon to match her dress. We couldn't find a yellow dragonfly but did find a dragonfly bead. I used my hot glue gun to attach the bead to the headband. 

Hazel loves to wear headbands with big bows so I also made a bow headband.
I used a single ribbon that was around 10 inches long. Then I took another piece and shaped the bow and sewed it to the first one. Then I took a small piece of ribbon to be the middle part of the bow and glued it on. I used the 2.5 inch elastic on this one. 

Here are the embellished headbands I made for her dolls. 

I had fun creating so many different ones. They are so easy to make too!!

Her dolls are all looking so pretty with their headbands. 

It is time to see what you have been creating! Thank you to everyone who shared with us last week. Below are a few of the features from our party. Please remember for your child-oriented crafts, activities, lessons, etc. Sharing Saturday is going on!!  Also don't forget to link up all your diverse and cultural posts at Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop!


1) From Life Sew Savory: Fabric Basket Tutorial for Spring

2) From The Scrap Shoppe: Crystallized Egg Vases

3) From The Style Safari: DIY Circle Rope Bag

4) From Refresh Living: DIY Spring Centerpiece from Old Glass Jars

5) From Celebrating Every Day Life: Easy 5-Minute Front Door Umbrella "Wreath"

6) From Duct Tape & Denim: Glitter Shamrock Garland

7) From Home Made Lovely: Floral Boho Spring Hoop Wreath

8) From Create & Babble: Easy Happy Easter Art

9) From Sparkle Living: Colorful Decoupaged Cat Bowls & Tray

10) From LiliaCraftParty: New Shawl Knitting Pattern - Eternal Shawl

Thank you to everyone who shared the last week!! I hope you will share again!! If you are featured here, please feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog. I would love the help spreading the word about Crafty Weekends!!