
Sharing Saturday #9

Wow!! What amazing entries we had in last week's Sharing Saturday. If you haven't had a chance to check them out you really should. There were some really great ones added at the end of it. I know I had a hard time picking features. It seems to get harder and harder the more entries we get. 

Ok, now onto my features. 

Well since today is Dr. Seuss' Birthday, how could I not pick one of the many Dr. Seuss crafts entered. 
From Madtown Macs: Dr. Seuss City (I love the creativity in this one. When Hazel is older I think we will have to try this.)

From Happy Whimsical Hearts: Baby Marble Painting (I love this creativity of finding away for the younger sister to try it with her big brother.)

From Strong Start: Wet Felted Eggs (We are definitely doing this in the next week or so and I love this technique!)

Please check my co-host, Mama Mia's Heart2Heart for more features including the most clicked on this week.

If you are one of my features, please feel free to grab a featured button and display it proudly on your blog!

From Your Hosts:
From Mama Mia's Heart2Heart: Handprint Rainbow (Isn't this great? I love it.)

Now for This Week's Party  
A Few Simple Guidelines:
1)  Please follow Crafty Moms Share via GFC (or one of the other ways that work for you).  

2)  Link any 
kid-friendly, child-centered post. Please no etsy shops or giveaways, etc.  Remember to link to your actual post. 

3) I would love it if you would follow me on FacebookInstagramand Pinterest 

 Disclaimer: By sharing here, you are giving Crafty Moms Share permission to use your photos for features and to pin your craft at Pinterest.
All right everyone...This is a PARTY!! Have Fun!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Thanks for hosting such a great Linky! And for the feature :-) I hope you don't mind me linking up so many this week - feel free to delete some if you want!

    1. I would never delete anything from you, Kelly! Besides we don't limit how many things you can share.

  2. Thanks for hosting such a great party. Already a ton of inspiration up there. It's my first time linking up!

  3. Very Nice card so beautiful. thanks for sharing us.

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  4. Thanks for the nice party. I have linked up my fun feathers craft and am following you on the Linky followers. Hope you can come by and follow back. Best wishes, Linda


I love to hear your comments and ideas. Thank you for reading and contributing!