
Happy Family Times #3

Well we had a weekend full of family times--well extended family times. My parents visited for the Easter weekend. Our plans were my mother, Hazel and I would do Easter fun day and a tea party at church on Saturday, and Steve and my father would go to the shooting range and shopping. Well we went to the Easter fun day. Hazel had a blast. They had several crafts and activities and then shared a story and then there was the Easter egg hunt.
Magnet fishing for prizes
Foam cross craft
Easter Egg Craft (she got tired of foam crafts I think)
Lamb Egg Craft (We did a bunny too but his head is missing)
There were temporary tatoos and a prize tower thing as well. Plus they decorated bags when they first got there to put all their prizes and crafts in. Then it was story time. The Best Thing About Easter by Christine Harder Tangvald was the story. It is a great story about all the things that we do for Easter--decorate eggs, the Easter Bunny, dress up, etc. and that the best thing about Easter is Jesus and His Resurrection. Then it was out to the front lawn for the egg hunt. Hazel LOVED the egg hunt.

She did a great job filling her basket! Of course many of the middle school age students helped her. In fact some of them dropped the candy they picked up in front of her so she would find more since she was so excited to find it. It was so cute.  A friend took pictures, but I haven't gotten the copies yet. Sorry! Then we went home to find the men back. After lunch and some play time with Pop Hazel decided she no longer wanted to go to the tea party, so she stayed home with the men. Mimi and I however had a great time. (Not great pictures, but a great time.)

Then we came home to find everyone napping. Guess that is why Hazel didn't want to go--she was too tired. However after nap time, we dyed Easter eggs. My mother and I hard boiled a dozen eggs. Then we had Hazel help us mix the colors. We used a Paas kit. I thought about experimenting with natural dyes, but decided to go the easy route this year. The kit came with nine colors!!
I tried to show Hazel about wax resist coloring, but she was more interested in put the eggs in. After we had colored the twelve eggs, Hazel recolored them. The men wanted nothing to do with the messiness of dying eggs. Hazel decided to use her hands and not the spoons or dippers, so she dyed her hands as well.
Then we had a light dinner and Hazel went to bed. The Easter Bunny came and left her basket in her bedroom in hopes of giving the adults some more time to sleep. He also hid the plastic eggs in the living room of our guest suite so whoever got up with her wouldn't have to worry about keeping her out of a room she usually can go into. She went to bed late due to her nap so she actually slept rather late. Then we had her egg hunt.

She loved it!! We had the best time watching her find the eggs. She skipped/jumped around the room. Then we gave her the gift from my sister. It was two of her favorite books. She jumped up and down and giggled/screeched with joy after opening it.
Then it was off to church for the ladies again. Hazel was dressed like she was with pictures of the Easter Bunny, but wouldn't let me take any pictures. Then we came home and prepared Easter dinner. Our dinner consisted of a Honey Baked Ham (the church had a fundraiser to buy gift certificates where the church got half the proceeds), mashed sweet potatoes and a salad. For dessert we had a carrot cake (which I bought at church back around Thanksgiving and froze). It was all delicious and fuss free! Then Hazel played with Pop.
Here is a picture of them this morning playing with little hopping plastic bunnies. My father is trying to show her how to do it. He got up with her almost every morning they were here. She loves spending time with him.

Now it is your turn to share how your family has spent some quality time lately.

~ please link up (family time oriented giveaways are ok, but please no Etsy shops)
~ use our button so others can join the fun


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~ we'd love for you to follow us Crafty Moms Share and Happy Whimsical Hearts
~ check out our Happy Family Times Pinterest board where we will be pinning some of our favorite ideas

Ok, now for our PARTY!! Please share your FUN Family Times!!

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  1. Thanks for hosting Carrie- Glad to see you had a wonderful Easter!!! - Kali

  2. What a fantastic weekend you all had! And it must have been nice for you and Mimi to enjoy the tea party :-)

  3. What fun! JDaniel loved just dyeing the eggs too.

  4. What a great linkup! Thanks for hosting.

  5. What a great idea for a link up! I just linked up about our fun family Easter weekend. I'll make sure to keep coming back!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sorry I missed the linky party! Will join next time!! ;)


I love to hear your comments and ideas. Thank you for reading and contributing!