
Happy Family Times #6

Kelly at Happy Whimsical Hearts and I run a link party to share your family times every Tuesday. Please link up below and visit Happy Whimsical Hearts to read about her quality family time!
Daddy tying Hazel's shoe

Well if you read my post on Sunday about my issue with my mother-in-law not listening to what Hazel and I wanted. Well, as I expected we paid for it on Saturday. Steve and I had planned to take Hazel to the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield mostly because Hazel and I are starting a class there on Wednesday and I wanted to make sure I knew how to get there. We were all set to go on Saturday morning however while Steve got ready Hazel wanted to play outside with me, which is what she wanted to do on Friday. Needless to say once we got outside she said, "I don't want to go to Popsfield. I want to stay home and play outside." (She decided Topsfield should be called Popsfield in honor of her Pop, my dad). There went our plans for a nice family nature walk. Instead we all played outside. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera out with me and I missed the good pictures of the day while I ran in to get it.
Hazel showing us her truck and telling us a story about it
Hazel had us pushing her on her swing, chasing her and playing with her, but I got pictures of us watching her more than anything. Sorry!! It was also a bit cold out so eventually we dragged her back inside for lunch. Then we went for a drive to Topsfield which of course Hazel fell asleep in the car before we got to the Wildlife Sanctuary so we didn't get out to walk around. Oh, well. We still had a nice time playing together and watching her play. What did you do as a family this week?

Now it is your turn to share how your family has spent some quality time lately.

~ please link up (family time oriented giveaways are ok, but please no Etsy shops)
~just crafts will be deleted since this is to share family times
~ use our button so others can join the fun


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~ we'd love for you to follow us Crafty Moms Share and Happy Whimsical Hearts
~ check out our Happy Family Times Pinterest board where we will be pinning some of our favorite ideas

Ok, now for our PARTY!! Please share your FUN Family Times!!

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I love to hear your comments and ideas. Thank you for reading and contributing!