
Happy Family Times #22--Lunch and Doll Doctoring

Special Announcement: I am giving away My Garden by Kevin Henkes. Stop by here to enter!

Have you done something exciting with your family this week? Kelly from Happy Whimsical Hearts and I would love to hear about it. Please share below.

This week we have had a bit of quiet time. I was sick for the end of the week and still not 100% over the weekend. On Sunday we went out to lunch. Hazel wanted a sandwich so we went to New York Style Deli. Hazel of course then got a hot dog. Steve got a tuna melt and I got the low fat grilled chicken on salad. Nothing too exciting and I didn't bring my camera. Then we stopped at Starbucks. While waiting in the drive thru line we saw two deer up on a hill behind the shopping center. We drove closer after getting my chai and Steve's coffee and scared them, but there were actually three. I was really wishing I had brought my camera.

That was really the only time we spent together doing something besides trying to get Hazel to downsize the number of toys she has. However, during the downsizing (her version and mine) I pulled out some of the dolls I had when I was young. Hazel wants to play with them. My mother made them for me. They are need of some repairs, so I have become a doll doctor. They both need new hair, so I made them bald. While the yarn was off I put them both in the washing machine to try to get some of the spots off of them. I am very excited that Hazel will get to play with them and that I am going to fix these dolls my mother made for me. They will be three generational dolls!

 I found a tutorial on line to resew Angel's hair. It from Susan Kramer. She did a Raggedy Ann, but I will just adjust it to Angel being a baby. As for Carrie I will use the tutorial on Crafty Sheep. I have started Angel. After sewing her hair she is also in need of some stitching and mending. Plus the washing machine seems to have removed half her smile so I will be fixing that as well.

Now I need to share my memory of getting Angel. Christmas morning my sister and I would wake up early and we were not allowed to wake our parents up until a certain time. Amy and I would sit at the top of the stairs and look down where we could see a bit of the tree. We saw a huge box under it this one year. We of course bickered over whose it was. It was Angel with all her clothes (some of which I still have) and a blanket my mother used with the three of us (which I also have since we had it for Hazel). Needless to say Angel is very well-loved and has worn well. My mother remembered that she got the pattern from Woman's Day Magazine and it is a Joan Russell. Imagine our surprise and happiness to find that there is a book with her Woman's Day patterns in it. I just ordered a used copy from Amazon. My mother also made my sister, Amy, her Amy doll and she loved the pattern. I can't wait to get the book now!

Now it is your turn to share how your family has spent some quality time lately.

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Ok, now for our PARTY!! Please share your FUN Family Times!!

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  1. Thank you for hosting - it is a platform for inspiration! And thanks for taking the time to stop in and comment too!

  2. Those dolls look like a lot of work but a lot of fun too!


I love to hear your comments and ideas. Thank you for reading and contributing!