
Sharing Saturday 13-20

Sharing Saturday Button

This week I managed to visit all of the posts shared last week, but I still have not visited the ones I missed for last week. So sorry!! Life has been a bit crazy. We have decided to change Hazel's school and for the past month we were dealing with issues, making the decision and then visiting schools to make the next decision. Now the decision is made, so hopefully things will calm down. If you have not had a chance to visit the 84 wonderful ideas shared last week, you really should!! They are so inspiring!!

We will start with our most clicked which was a wonderful round up of advice on making Mother's Day or Teacher Appreciation Gifts and making it a Montessori activity, plus ideas for gifts. This was from Living Montessori Now.

A Few of My Favorites
1) From My Nearest and Dearest: Recycled Outdoor Music Station

2) From Rubberboots and Elf Shoes: Mr. Picasso Flowers

3) From Bridgit's Bell: In Praise of Dandelions 

4) From The Craft Train: Paper Dream Catchers

5) From The Measured Mom: Free Word Family Game: Uno

Thank you to everyone who shared last week!! I hope you will join us and share again!! If you are featured here or earlier this week, please feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog. 


Featured Button Code:

From Your Hostess:
Another busy week but we shared An Egyptian Cinderella, a Dramatic Play Ice Cream Shop (so easy and cheap to set up), and Luke's Beach Day--Review of a Kid's Yoga Book!
Now for This Week's Party 
A Few Simple Guidelines:
1)  Please follow Crafty Moms Share via GFC (or one of the other ways that work for you).  

2)  Link any kid-friendly, child-centered post. Please no etsy shops or giveaways, etc.  Remember to link to your actual post. 

3) Post the newly updated button on your sidebar or somewhere on your blog to help spread the word.

4) I would love it if you would follow me on Facebook and Google+
Disclaimer: By sharing here, you are giving Crafty Moms Share permission to use your photos for features and to pin your craft at Pinterest
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Thanks so much for the party - have a wonderful weekend, Alice x

  2. thanks so much for hosting the party! have a great night!

  3. Happy Saturday!
    Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. Thank you for hosting!

  5. Thank you for featuring my dandelions!! I Google +'d you!

  6. I am so going to try the family uno!

    Claudia @


I love to hear your comments and ideas. Thank you for reading and contributing!