
Sharing Saturday 15-17

Sharing Saturday Button

Thank  you to everyone who shared last week!! Once again I am amazed by all the great ideas! These features are just a sampling of the posts shared. I hope you will go and check them all out! This week our features consist of  Gardening and Bees, Booking Across America, and Some Favorites. 

Gardening and Bees Features

1) From A Little Pinch of Perfect: Beehive and Bumble Bee Recycled Egg Carton Craft

2) From From ABCs to ACTs: Pollen Transfer: Fine Motor Activity for Preschoolers

3) From My Bored Toddler: Gardening with Kids: Wheelbarrow Herb Garden

4) From Mum in the Madhouse: Oreo Dirt Desserts or Chocolate Mint Puddings
(Perfect for a snack after gardening!)

5) From Wugs and Dooey: Garden of Eden Small World Play

Booking Across America Features

1) From Growing Book By Book: Booking Across the USA: Authors and Illustrators

2) From All Done Monkey: Hula Hoop Math Activity

3) From Living Montessori Now: Montessori Monday: Laura Ingalls Wilder and Montessori Washboard Activity

Other Features

1) From Ducks 'n a Row: G is for Giraffe Preschool Lesson & Fun Craft

2) From Advocacy in Action: Autism: Preparing Your Child for Adulthood

3) From Rubberboots and Elf Shoes: Tree of Life Inspired by Mr. Klimt

4) From Where Imagination Grows: Outdoor Rainbow Weaving for Kids

Thank you to everyone who shared last week!! I hope you will join us and share again!! If you are featured here, please feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog. 


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From Your Hostess:
I co-host the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop for any culture related post. This week we co-hosted this month's Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop, shared Hazel's remaking the science center after her field trip last week, our cheap doll finds for the month and reviewed God's Amazing World!
We had so many plans for Hazel's vacation week, but cut our trip short visiting my parents when Hazel woke up with a fever. It has ended up being a lazy sick week at home and somehow I didn't find the energy and time to write my two other book reviews for you. Stay tuned for them next week!!

Now for This Week's Party 

A Few Simple Guidelines: 
1)  Please follow Crafty Moms Share via the ways that works best for you.  

2)  Link any kid-friendly, child-centered post. Please no etsy shops or giveaways, etc.  Remember to link to your actual post and not to your blog home page.

3) Post the Sharing Saturday button on your sidebar or somewhere on your blog to help spread the word.

4) I would love it if you would follow me on FacebookGoogle+, and Pinterest 

5) Please visit at least 3 other posts linked up. Pin, share or comment please!

6) If you do not have a blog, but want to share an idea you can leave it in the comments or e-mail it to me with a picture (if possible).

 Disclaimer: By sharing here, you are giving Crafty Moms Share permission to use your photos for features and to pin your craft at Pinterest.

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