
Mother's Day Celebration with Link Party

This year for Mother's Day Hazel and I went to a tea house on Friday for afternoon tea. I had promised her we would do something like this when I had to miss the Mother/Daughter Tea Party at her school in April. I figured Mother's Day weekend was the perfect time. Hazel dressed up for the occasion with gloves and all. We had a wonderful time. 

Hazel had the Little Darling Tea which included a beverage (tea, milk or juice), sandwiches (she chose cream cheese and jelly), a chocolate chip scone, a mini muffin and cookies. It was served on a two tier  plate with flowers to decorate. I had the tea for one which was a pot of tea, various finger sandwiches, a berry scone with clotted cream and jam, grapes, and cookies. Mine came on a three tiered plate and was way too much food for one. Hazel absolutely loved all the details. She really liked the little tongs (she thought they were like tweezers) to put the sugar cubes in the tea. She had a small amount of my cinnamon tea to taste and use her teacup. It had caffeine so I only gave her a small bit. After such a fun outing, I am not worried with what will happen on Mother's Day. We had such a great time. 

Today we went to our local library which had a flower craft (similar to this one but without the grass and using popsicle sticks for stems) out for kids to make for their mothers and we went to Lakeshore Learning for their free craft. It was a flower picture frame. Hazel hasn't completed either of them or the Melissa & Doug printables (that came in an e-mail) which I gave her. She however has some surprise in the works for me in the morning. 

Last year Hazel's class had a special Mother's Day Tea Party for us (this year's class sang a song and recited a poem for us). For some gift ideas check out:
1) Features from Mother's Day Gifts Link Party
2) Homemade Pressed Flower Vase/Pencil Holder
3) Treasure Boxes with Specialized Tags with Link Party
4) Handprint with Poem and Photos with Link Party
5) Sunflower Picture Frame Magnets with Personalized Poem/Song You Are My Sunshine
6) My Mother's Day Pinterest Board 

How are you spending Mother's Day? Any gift ideas? Crafts? Share any Mother's Day ideas here. I can't wait to see how you are celebrating! 
(Note: Sharing Saturday is here!!)

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